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Deploying Any Version of Leading Open Source Databases for Tests and Experiments

Deploying Any Version of Leading Open Source Databases

Deploying Any Version of Leading Open Source DatabasesI want to present a tool for running a specific version of open source databases in a single instance, replication setups, and Kubernetes. AnyDbVer deploys MySQL/MariaDB/MongoDB/PostgreSQL for testing and experiments.

It Could Be Started By…

Docker (or Podman) or dbdeployer (MySQL-Sandbox successor) could also start a specific database version, but such installations are significantly different from production setups.

Ansible Playbook

There is an Ansible playbook with few roles configurable by environment variables.

Bash Scripts

You may ignore the Ansible layer because the ./anydbver bash script hides it.

In LXD containers

It’s not practical to reserve physical servers or virtual machines for all tasks. Frequently you need just a few database instances and the ability to restart it with systemd and check logs with journalctl. AnydbVer spawns one or more Linux Containers managed by Canonical (Ubuntu) LXD, and LXD containers support systemd not using a layered filesystem setup.

Best Performance with Linux Running on Hardware Directly

Linux Containers is not an emulation layer. From the “host” system, you can see all processes and files created by containers. Thus the performance is very similar to the same database running on a physical server.

You Can Run Vagrant + VirtualBox as Well, For Other OS

LXD setup is relatively easy, but sometimes you may need to run AnydbVer just with a few commands. Vagrant could start an unmodified Ubuntu virtual machine and automatically configure AnydbVer for you.

You can find the required files and setup instructions at https://github.com/ihanick/anydbver.

Clone the https://github.com/ihanick/anydbver repository to setup LXD or start Vagrant.

git clone https://github.com/ihanick/anydbver.git
cd anydbver
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd anydbver

Single Instance Usage

Imagine that you need the exact CentOS 7 package version: Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.43-rel84.3:

$ ./anydbver deploy percona-server:5.6.43-rel84.3
$ ./anydbver ssh
$ mysql
mysql> select version();

You are not limited to using full version specification. To use the latest matching version, reduce 5.6.43-rel84.3 down to 5.6.43 or even 5.6. To run other databases, replace percona-server with:

  • pxc: Percona XtraDB Cluster
  • mysql: Oracle MySQL Community Server
  • mariadb: MariaDB
  • mariadb-cluster: MariaDB Galera Cluster
  • pg: Postgres build from https://www.postgresql.org/
  • ppg: Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL
  • psmdb: Percona Server for MongoDB

Multiple Instances

Several containers are not consuming a significant amount of resources. Actually five MySQL container instances will consume the same resources as five individual processes running on the same host. The syntax is:

$ ./anydbver deploy <default node definition> node1 <node1 definition> node2 <node2 definition> ...

For example, run two independent MySQL instances:

$ ./anydbver mysql node1 mysql

SSH access to default node:

$ ./anydbver ssh
# or
$ ./anydbver ssh default

All other nodes (replace node1 with other node names):

$ ./anydbver ssh node1


You may have a server hostname specified. For example let’s run two Percona Server for MySQL instances:

$ ./anydbver deploy ps:5.7 hostname:leader.percona.local node1 ps:5.7 hostname:follower.percona.local
$ ./anydbver ssh leader
or ./anydbver ssh leader.percona or leader.percona.local
[root@leader ~]# mysql --host follower.percona.local --prompt '\h mysql>'
follower.percona.local mysql>


The most interesting part of modern open-source databases is replication. Even active-active replication setups are starting from a single server (leader or master/primary). Start the first node normally and attach additional nodes with master:nodename or leader:nodename. PXC or Galera servers could participate in both synchronous and asynchronous replication. Thus, for Galera clusters, you need galera-master or galera-leader syntax.

Start a 3 node Percona XtraDB cluster (latest 5.7):

./anydbver deploy pxc:5.7 node1 pxc:5.7 galera-master:default node2 pxc:5.7 galera-master:default

Run master and two async slaves with Percona Server for MySQL and add all three servers to ProxySQL setup:

./anydbver deploy ps:5.7 node1 ps:5.7 master:default node2 ps:5.7 master:default node3 proxysql master:default

Setup physical replication with slots for Postgresql 12.3:

./anydbver deploy pg:12.3 node1 pg:12.3 master:default

Make a Mongo replica set named rs0:

./anydbver deploy psmdb replica-set:rs0 node1 psmdb master:default replica-set:rs0 node2 psmdb master:default replica-set:rs0

MongoDB Sharding

MongoDB sharding setup requires several server types: servers with data (shardsrv), configuration servers (configsrv), and mongos server:

./anydbver deploy \
psmdb:4.2 replica-set:rs0 shardsrv \
node1 psmdb:4.2 master:default replica-set:rs0 shardsrv \
node2 psmdb:4.2 master:default replica-set:rs0 shardsrv \
node3 psmdb:4.2 configsrv replica-set:cfg0 \
node4 psmdb:4.2 configsrv replica-set:cfg0 master:node3 \
node5 psmdb:4.2 configsrv replica-set:cfg0 master:node3 \
node6 psmdb:4.2 mongos-cfg:cfg0/node3,node4,node5 mongos-shard:rs0/default,node1,node2

Containers and Orchestration

The fact that we are already using containers (LXD) shouldn’t confuse you. We can still run docker images inside our nodes. Nested containers and Podman makes it possible.

Run Percona Monitoring and Management Docker containers

Let’s deploy the default node with Podman and run the Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) server docker container in it. Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 with PMM client will run on node1:

./anydbver deploy pmm node1 ps:5.7 pmm-client pmm-server:default

Run multi-node Kubernetes cluster

Kubernetes also could utilize nested containers. There are several small Kubernetes distributions: minikube, microk8s, k3s, k0s. The simplest fully functional Kubernetes could be implemented with k3s.

The first k3s LXD container executes the API server and workers. Additional LXD containers could run more workers. Multiple workers are important to run complex HA applications with hostname anti-affinity.

./anydbver deploy k3s node1 k3s-master:default node2 k3s-master:default
./anydbver ssh

On a default node, we can execute kubectl or helm:

$ kubectl get nodes
ihanick-node2 Ready <none> 14m v1.19.2+k3s1
ihanick-default Ready master 17m v1.19.2+k3s1
ihanick-node1 Ready <none> 15m v1.19.2+k3s1

Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster

The Kubernetes cluster allows running stateful applications, like databases, services (similar to Amazon AWS S3), or monitoring solutions. Let’s start:

  • 4 node cluster
  • MinIO (implements S3 api) for backups
  • Percona XtraDB Cluster (managed by the operator)
  • Percona Monitoring and Management

./anydbver deploy k3s \
node1 k3s-master:default \
node2 k3s-master:default \
node3 k3s-master:default \
default k8s-minio k8s-pmm k8s-pxc backup
./anydbver ssh
kubectl get pods
svclb-monitoring-service-n5nsx 1/1 Running 0 20m
svclb-monitoring-service-htssw 1/1 Running 0 20m
svclb-monitoring-service-n9kt4 1/1 Running 0 20m
svclb-monitoring-service-7btbh 1/1 Running 0 20m
minio-service-6db6667fb9-tk69n 1/1 Running 0 20m
monitoring-0 1/1 Running 0 20m
percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-7886ccf6b5-rtwxc 1/1 Running 0 18m
cluster1-pxc-0 2/2 Running 2 17m
cluster1-haproxy-0 2/2 Running 0 17m
cluster1-haproxy-1 2/2 Running 0 12m
cluster1-haproxy-2 2/2 Running 0 12m
cluster1-pxc-1 2/2 Running 1 13m
cluster1-pxc-2 2/2 Running 1 10m

Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona Server for MongoDB

You can install and configure the database in the same way, regardless of the architecture:

./anydbver deploy k3s \
  node1 k3s-master:default \
  node2 k3s-master:default \
  node3 k3s-master:default \
  default k8s-minio k8s-mongo backup

Zalando Postgres Operator

You are not limited to Percona-only products and can run other K8s operators:

./anydbver deploy k3s node1 k3s-master:default node2 k3s-master:default node3 k3s-master:default default k8s-pg


AnyDbVer is a useful deployment tool for experiments with:

AnyDbVer restrictions:

  • It is not a production deployment tool.
  • The deployment process takes a long time. The tool downloads and installs all packages from OS and Vendor repositories.

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